Become A Hospice Volunteer

Become a Hospice Volunteer at Lily Hospice Wisconsin
Compassionate, reliable volunteers of all types are welcome. A focus on Music therapy is great. We do background checks and we will train volunteers so they feel prepared to volunteer in our patients’ homes and help them feel comfortable with end of life care.

Lily Hospice values their volunteers for a variety of reasons, including:

  • They provide companionship and emotional support to patients and their families with a listening ear, a comforting presence, and a friendly face to those who are facing a terminal illness.
  • Volunteers can assist with tasks such as running errands, preparing meals, and providing transportation to appointments.
  • Hospice volunteers can give family caregivers a break by spending time with the patient, allowing the caregiver to take care of their own needs or obligations.
  • Volunteers can help patients fulfill their end-of-life wishes by assisting with activities such as writing letters, creating memory books, or fulfilling a last wish.
  • We rely on volunteers to help spread the word about Hospice services and provide education to the community about end-of-life care.

In short, we use volunteers to provide additional support to patients and their families, to enhance the quality of care provided, and to extend the reach of hospice services to those who may not be aware of them.

We require volunteers to be at least 18 years old, pass a criminal background check, have reliable transportation, and be available for a certain number of hours per month.

It’s important to note that while hospice volunteering is extremely fulfilling, it can also be emotionally challenging. Volunteers should also have strong emotional resilience and the ability to handle difficult situations.

If you are interested in becoming a Hospice volunteer, we would love to hear from you. Your welcome to contact us by calling (262) 235-3115 or by sending us an email via the button below and we’ll get in touch with you very shortly.

Lily Home Health & Hospice Care serving Wisconsin