Hospice Care

We’ve tried to put together some information below to help you better understand the not only what care you or your loved one will receive with Hospice, what support is available to families of loved ones in Hospice, and what criteria must be met for someone to be eligible for Hospice care. There is also a link to FAQs for those looking for a specific answer to a specific question.

About Hospice Care

Hospice is focused on comfort care: Hospice care is focused on providing comfort, pain relief, and symptom management rather than curative treatment. The goal is to help individuals live as comfortably as possible in their final days.

Hospice Grief Support at Lily Hospice Wisconsin

Grief Support

Hospice can provide grief support to individuals and families both before and after the death of a loved one through counseling, support groups, bereavement care, education, and remembrance events.

Hospice Eligibility

Hospice is a type of specialized care for individuals who have a terminal illness or a life-limiting condition and have a prognosis of six months or less to live. To be eligible for hospice, a person must meet certain criteria.

Learn Hospice FAQs - Lily Hospice Wisconsin

Hospice FAQs

Learn the who, what, when, where and whys of hospice care in a quick question / answer reference format. Find the answer to your questions quickly.

You may be unfamiliar with hospice and eligibility requirements. It’s a little scary and frustrating not to know all the details. We’re happy to talk you through the details. Your welcome to contact us by calling (262) 235-3115 or by sending us an email via the button below and we’ll get in touch with you very shortly.

Lily Home Health & Hospice Care serving Wisconsin